Many partners help the NCRWMO implement their water monitoring program. Monitoring is conducted on Chub Creek, Pine Creek, Trout Brook, Cannon River and multiple springs within the watershed. The NCRWMO contracts with the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District to conduct most of the monitoring. Volunteering to conduct water monitoring is a great way to get to know the watershed and the data is useful for assessing the health of the watershed.

NCRWMO works to support member communities in the enforcement of their respective ordinances related to water quality. NCRWMO has worked with partners to develop the following model ordinances for communities to consider adopting.
Model Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Ordiance
Model Mining Ordinance
The Clean Water Fund: “Protecting and restoring Minnesota’s waters for generations to come”
Clean Water Funds are being distributed to watershed areas that have completed plans under One Watershed, One Plan, the Metropolitan Surface Water management Act or the Metropolitan Groundwater Management Act to implement activates identified in these plans. NCRWMO is eligible for funding under the Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act and intends to complete activities within the Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. Through the Watershed Based Implementation Funding process, partners have selected Dakota SWCD to manage the grant funding.