2023-2033 Watershed Management Plan

A Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan is a requirement of the 1982 Surface Water Management Act. The Plan helps guide the organizations activities over the ten-year timeframe of the Plan. It is a framework for restoration and protection of water resources.

Advisory Committee


The current NCRWMO 4th Generation Watershed Management Plan was adopted by the NCRWMO Board of Managers in July 2023. This plan will guide activities in the watershed for ten years. The NCRWMO will review progress annually. Planning for a 5th Generation Watershed Management Plan will begin roughly two years before a new plan is needed in 2033.


The Advisory Committee is used during the planning process to provide input on priority issues as well as the goals, strategies, and policies to address those priority issues. Individuals represent local governments, environmental, agricultural, landowner, and outdoor and recreational groups as well as other interests. As the NCRWMO works on implementation of activities within the Watershed Management Plan, the committee can be called upon as needed for further guidance.

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The Technical Committee is responsible for ensuring that the plan content is based on best available science and data and for providing input on funding, policy, and programs. The Technical Committee is comprised of representatives from state and regional agencies. As the NCRWMO works on implementation of activities within the Watershed Management Plan, the committee can be called upon as needed for further guidance.


We are here to help with your watershed management needs.