NCRWMO Efforts
Learn about our current efforts to help improve our watershed and what you can do to help!
Non-point Education for Municipal Officials
Non-point Education for Municipal Officials, or NEMO, is an educational program for land use decision makers that addresses the relationship between land use and natural resource protection.
For the national NEMO website, go to
For information on NEMO being implemented locally, contact the Minnesota Erosion Control Association (MECA) at their website at
Low Impact Development
Low Impact Development (LID) integrates ecological and environmental considerations into all phases of urban planning, design, and development.
For more information on the use of LID practices and incentives, contact the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District at (651) 480-7777 or visit their website at
Or visit the national LID website at
Dakota County Environmental Education Program
The Dakota County Environmental Education Program (DCEEP) provides citizens and organizations with educational materials and programmatic support for water resource education projects. The Program coordinates projects such as the Wetland Health Evaluation Program, Project Wet, storm drain stenciling projects, and the Vermillion River Watch Program. The DCEEP is coordinated through the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, the University of Minnesota – Extension, and Dakota County.
Contact the Program at (651) 480-7734 or visit their website at
Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes many reports on water resource issues including citizen water monitoring and watersheds.
Visit their website at
WaterShed Partners
Visit their website at
Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge
SEEK or Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge works as a clearinghouse for all types of environmental education resources, from articles to lesson plans, from performances to displays, and many more. These resources come from a variety of organizations throughout Minnesota, including schools and colleges, government agencies, libraries and businesses.
Visit their directory at